Rows in this dataset

Dataset metadata

Columns in this dataset

Title Type
incident_number  Text
datetime  Timestamp
ward  Text
location  Point
incident_category  Text
type_0  Text
type_1  Text
type_2  Text
type_3  Text
x_coordinate  Text
y_coordinate  Text
unitary_authority  Text
origin_of_call  Text
property_category  Text
property_type  Text
is_primary_fire  Text
cause_of_fire  Text
is_property_derelict  Text
is_property_occupied_at_the_incident  Text
property_normally_occupied  Text
is_fire_confined_to_chimney  Text
how_fire_was_discovered  Text
main_cause_of_fire  Text
ignition_source  Text
ignition_source_powered  Text
item_first_damaged  Text
item_responsible_for_spread_of_fire  Text
main_action_by_other_than_frs  Text
main_action_by_frs  Text
special_service_type  Text
road_traffic_collision  Text
false_alarm_reason  Text
victims_involved  Text
were_alarm_systems_present  Text
no_of_fatalities  Numeric
no_of_fire_fatalities  Numeric
no_of_injuries  Numeric
no_of_rescues  Numeric

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