Rows in this dataset

Dataset metadata

Columns in this dataset

Title Type
type  Text
source  Text
constituency  Text
mp_name  Text
occurred_at  Timestamp
retrieved_at  Timestamp
title  Text
link  URL
description  Text
content  Text
voted_with  Text
party_vote  Text
loyalty  Text
reference  Numeric
hash  Text

If you've used our datastore before, you'll notice a few changes around here. We've built a brand new datastore from the ground up to better meet the needs of our community & to reduce our costs.

Our new system is built using fewer resources than our old system. Please be thoughtful about repeatedly downloading large datasets.

If you use our data on a website or in an app, get in touch & we'll help you make some small changes to get things working again.

If you notice that something is broken or isn't quite working for you, please let us know what you were doing & what went wrong.