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Dataset metadata

Columns in this dataset

Title Type
URN  Numeric
LAESTAB  Numeric
School name  Text
Post code  Text
Ofsted region  Text
Region  Text
Local authority  Text
Parliamentary constituency  Text
Type of school  Text
Phase of school  Text
Ofsted phase  Text
Dataview phase  Text
Predecessor URN of schools converting to academy  Numeric
Schools open/closed status  Text
School opening date  Timestamp
Reason for opening  Text
School closing date  Text
Reason for closure  Text
Inspection number  Numeric
Inspection type  Text
Academic year  Text
Inspection start date  Timestamp
Inspection end date  Timestamp
First published date  Timestamp
Latest published date  Timestamp
Overall effectiveness  Numeric
Category  Text
Sixth form provision  Numeric
Early years provision  Numeric
Pupils' achievement (aggregated)  Numeric
Achievement of pupils  Numeric
How well do pupils achieve?  Numeric
Behaviour and safety of pupils  Numeric
Quality of teaching  Numeric
Leadership and management  Numeric
Overall effectiveness of residential experience (aggregated)  Numeric
The effectiveness of the boarding provision (pre Jan 2012)  Numeric
Overall effectiveness of residential experience (post Jan 2012)  Numeric
Outcomes for residential pupils (post Jan 2012)  Numeric
Quality of residential provision and care (post Jan 2012)  Numeric
Residential pupils safety (post Jan 2012)  Numeric
Leadership and management of the residential provision (post Jan 2012)  Numeric
The effectiveness of partnerships in promoting learning and well-being  Numeric
The school's capacity for sustained improvement  Numeric
Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils  Numeric
Pupils' attainment  Numeric
The quality of pupils' learning and their progress  Numeric
Outcomes for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage  Numeric
The quality of learning for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their progress  Numeric
Outcomes for students in the sixth form  Numeric
The extent of pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development  Numeric
The extent to which pupils adopt healthy lifestyles  Numeric
The extent to which pupils feel safe  Numeric
Pupils' attendance  Numeric
The extent to which pupils contribute to the school and wider community  Numeric
The extent to which pupils develop workplace and other skills that will contribute to their future economic well-being  Numeric
The quality of provision in the sixth form  Numeric
The extent to which the curriculum meets pupils' needs, including, where relevant, through partnerships  Numeric
The effectiveness of care, guidance and support  Numeric
The use of assessment to support learning  Numeric
The quality of provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage  Numeric
The effectiveness of leadership and management of the Early Years Foundation Stage  Numeric
The effectiveness of leadership and management of the sixth form  Numeric
The effectiveness with which the school promotes equality of opportunity and tackles discrimination  Numeric
The effectiveness with which the school promotes community cohesion  Numeric
The effectiveness with which the school deploys resources to achieve value for money  Numeric
The effectiveness of the governing body in challenging and supporting the school so that weaknesses are tackled decisively...  Numeric
The effectiveness of safeguarding procedures  Text
The effectiveness of the school's engagement with parents and carers  Numeric
The leadership and management of teaching and learning  Numeric
Pilot_Does the school adequately promote the pupils' well-being?  Numeric
Pilot_Does the school adequately promote community cohesion?  Numeric
Pilot_Does the school provide value for money?  Numeric
Inspection number of the previous inspection  Numeric
Academic year of the previous inspection  Text
Inspection end date of the previous inspection  Text
Previous inspection - Overall effectiveness  Numeric
Previous inspection - Category  Text
Movement in overall effectiveness since previous inspection  Text
Time between inspections (months)  Numeric

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