Rows: 8 - Columns: 7
Updated: 11th June 2019
Libraries within Bath and North East Somerset Council
Rows: 6 - Columns: 10
Updated: 11th June 2019
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Zones maps for new development in Bath and North East Somerset. These identify the locations and boundaries to which the residential and non-residential CIL charges apply.
Rows: 1 - Columns: 10
Updated: 11th June 2019
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Zones maps for new development in Bath and North East Somerset. These identify the locations and boundaries to which the residential and non-residential CIL charges apply.
Rows: 45 - Columns: 6
Updated: 10th February 2016
Local Plan Policy S5 adopted 2007. Primary frontages protect retail uses within the areas defined in Bath central shopping area and Keynsham, Midsomer Norton and Radstock town centres
External Dataset 
Rows: 0 - Columns: 0
Updated: 30th June 2016
Vote data for the June 2016 EU Referendum.
Rows: 5 - Columns: 4
Updated: 10th February 2016
Core Strategy adopted 2014 Policies B3A KE3A KE4A RA5. Defines the boundary of large strategic sites allocated principally for residential development on the edge of Bath, Keynsham and Whitchurch.
Rows: 56 - Columns: 21
Updated: 31st July 2017 with geocoding errors fixed.
Rows: 3,500,110 - Columns: 12
Updated: 10th February 2020
Shows the trend of occupancy of BANES car parks, with data updated every 5 minutes. Includes full up-to-date data.
Rows: 110,183 - Columns: 9
Updated: 10th February 2020
Updated monthly or quarterly, depending when publish the data.

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