Rows: 113 - Columns: 7
Updated: 21st September 2015
Polling Stations for 2015 local and general elections
Rows: 0 - Columns: 0
Updated: 15th October 2014
This file contains census boundary data for Lower Super Output Areas (LSOA) including local names defined by Bath and North East Somerset Council. This data was updated for the 2011 census.
Rows: 987 - Columns: 4
Updated: 7th August 2015
Contact breakdown from CRM system showing months (for 2014), contact type, and issue subject.
Rows: 455 - Columns: 7
Updated: 7th August 2015
Local Authorities Members' Allowances (England) Regulations, 2003 require the Council to publish details of the actual allowances paid to its elected Councillors and Co-opted Members of Council Committees and Sub-Committees each financial year.
External Dataset 
Rows: 0 - Columns: 0
Updated: 15th October 2014
KMZ boundaries file for wards in BANES
Rows: 0 - Columns: 15
Updated: 15th October 2014
To place tables, chairs or other temporary furniture on the pavement (where the pavement concerned is part of the public highway) you require permission from your local authority. Unless a shorter period is specifically stated, all permits will be granted...
External Dataset 
Rows: 0 - Columns: 0
Updated: 15th October 2014
Boundary file for Bath and North East Somerset
Rows: 22 - Columns: 21
Updated: 6th June 2019
Animal Boarding Establishment Licences. To run a boarding kennel or cattery you need a licence from the local authority. The number of dogs and cats that may be accommodated will be specified on the licence, along with other specific conditions.
Rows: 1 - Columns: 13
Updated: 6th January 2020
To run a zoo you need a licence from the local authority. Unless a shorter period is specifically stated, all licences will be granted for one year and renewed annually.
Rows: 21 - Columns: 16
Updated: 6th January 2020
To run a business where petrol is stored for dispensing directly into the fuel tank of an internal combustion engine - or where large amounts of petrol are stored for private use - you need a licence. Petroleum means any...
Rows: 16 - Columns: 33
Updated: 7th August 2015
Number of votes in each ward, including the size of the electorate and voter turnout. Currently 2011 in the Bath constituency, will expand for other years and wards in NES in the future
External Dataset 
Rows: 0 - Columns: 0
Updated: 15th October 2014
Boundaries for Bath City. Not to be confused with Nutbush City.

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