Rows: 56 - Columns: 21
Updated: 31st July 2017 with geocoding errors fixed.
Rows: 19 - Columns: 2
Updated: 17th May 2017
Species codes and names for the dataset Bat Survey 2016 Observations.
Rows: 0 - Columns: 0
Updated: 17th May 2017
This repository is designed to make it easier to share, create and work with data which has a geographic basis.
Rows: 62 - Columns: 9
Updated: 24th April 2017
A list of formally marked, disabled parking bays in B&NES. Included street name, road, locality and signage. Note: this doesn't include dedicated disabled spaces in council or other local car parks.
Rows: 115 - Columns: 7
Updated: 22nd April 2017
Registered elector counts by LSOA derived from experimental statistics (December 2016), 18+ population counts by LSOA derived from ONS 2015 mid-year population estimates and a rate of electoral registration per population.
Rows: 10 - Columns: 5
Updated: 22nd April 2017
Site codes and locations for sites used in the dataset Bat Survey 2016 Observations.
Rows: 26 - Columns: 2
Updated: 22nd April 2017
Field descriptions for the dataset Bat Survey 2016 Observations.
Rows: 692,405 - Columns: 27
Updated: 22nd April 2017
Observations of bat calls collected from 10 sites along the river Avon in Bath. The survey was commissioned by Bath & North East Somerset council and the work carried out by Clarkson & Woods Ltd.
Rows: 5,776 - Columns: 10
Updated: 27th March 2017
Extract from Open Flood Risk By Postcode containing just postcodes within Bath and North East Somerset. Open Flood Risk By Postcode assigns flood risks to postcodes based on the Environment Agency's Risk of Flooding by Rivers and Sea dataset.
Rows: 44 - Columns: 8
Updated: 21st December 2016
External Dataset 
Rows: 0 - Columns: 0
Updated: 30th June 2016
Vote data for the June 2016 EU Referendum.
Rows: 0 - Columns: 0
Updated: 12th February 2016
INSPIRE Index Polygons indicate the registered extent of freehold properties in England and Wales

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Our new system is built using fewer resources than our old system. Please be thoughtful about repeatedly downloading large datasets.

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